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Our curated compilation of the latest in best business practices, consulting, and team building.

Language: Tone & Body

How conscious are you of your tone in communication? How about your body language? In my experience, people are often more aware of one than the other. This can result in a mismatch. Perhaps your tone is even and steady, but your body language may be telling a story of frustration, excitement, or something completely


Know when to ask for help.

Everyones “to do” list can get overwhelming at times; do you know when it is too much? When you start missing details. The attention to details are often what separates you from your competition. When details are neglected it becomes your competitions opportunity to steal market share. Know when to ask for help. Moving fast


You had one job!

Don’t be this person. I know she is trying and giving it her best but in your profession you can’t afford last place. Know your job, know your competition and do what it takes everyday.

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