The problem

No clarity on what it means to be a member of ACC and how to represent that meaning

The results

Clear Purpose and House Rule

How Motus9 helped

Motus9 worked closely with the board on this project. The goal was to create an agreed upon Austin Country Club purpose and set of house rules which would give proper tribute to the roots of the longstanding organization. Our work with ACC spanned a couple of months and involved interviews with staff, board, and members to hone in on what makes it special to be a member of ACC and what being a member means to them. From there, we discussed the impact of renowned golfer and former Head Professional at ACC, Harvey Penick, on the club and how his approach created some standards of what it meant to be an ACC member. We worked diligently to protect the history of the club while also incorporating more modern needs. Nurturing family and sportsmanship were two critical themes which appeared in our research and used them, along with other identified themes, to ultimately craft the ACC purpose and house rules.

Favorite Motus9 moment

“When working with board and staff, there are different perspectives from very different vantage points. When we can bring their perspective together in something that resonates on all sides, it’s special. It was a special moment doing this with ACC.”

