One Tool/App/Program Does Not Fit All

Have you ever purchased or downloaded an app only to never use it? Perhaps you’ve invested in software for your company and discover it barely gets used. It’s important to make sure the tool, app, or program you choose is a good personality fit for you and your team. When considering a tool, here are some great questions to ask yourself and your team:

  • What current situation could we envision using this for?
    • Who on the team would be using it? Will they commit to using it?
    • How does this tool work with your current programs?
    • When can you begin using it?
  • How easy is the tool to get started using?
    • Do I need all the bells and whistles?
    • Which portions of the tool am I most excited about using?
    • Which portions are the team most excited about using?


Once you’ve selected a tool, now you need to make sure it’s going to get put to use. Follow these steps to get you and your team using the right tool – right away:

  1. Schedule a tool launch meeting.
    1. Determine a project to initiate use of the tool and set it up in the launch meeting.
    2. Provide space for people to practice the tool together and ask questions.
    3. Schedule a next meeting to review use of the tool with the project. (1-3 weeks from launch)
  2. Conduct a check-in after 3 months of having the tool.
    1. Who is using it? For what?
    2. Who isn’t using it? Why?
    3. What are the gaps?
    4. What are the biggest benefits?
    5. Assign a new project to the tool and set meetings to review and hold people accountable to using the tool.
