Make sure your message resonates

Hundreds of emails flood most people’s inbox everyday. Most don’t get opened or looked at. At best, they get skimmed over.

When you’re wanting to deliver a message, it’s important to ensure the message is received, not merely sent. In a couple of recent coaching conversations as well as my own work to find a provider I’ve encountered the misnomer that sending an email equals receipt of message. It doesn’t.

You want your message to be received. You want it heard. You want it to resonate. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Send a video rather than a bunch of text in your email
  • Call and talk with the person.
  • Send an email with short, concise bullet points. Follow the email up with a phone call.
  • Confirm what you sent via email was noticed and received when you talk to the person next.
  • Keep your email to two paragraphs or less.

Simply put: words don’t get read. Don’t rely on email to deliver a message, don’t send emails with loads of paragraphs and words. Human conversation with email to follow up is the best. If you can’t have human conversation, use video.

Make your message resonate by talking with the person you’re targeting. It will win every time.

By Nickie Froiland
