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Our curated compilation of the latest in best business practices, consulting, and team building.

Get the right people in the room.

Imagine you’re four years old on your way to the mall to visit Santa because you KNOW he can make your dreams come true. But, instead, you’re greeted by an elf – Santa is on vacation. WHAT? Now, this unqualified person will listen to you and relay your message to the “Big Guy?” No way!


Owner, Player, Coach? Pick One!

I love Will Ferrel and think his comedy is amazing! If you have not seen the movie Semi-Pro, and you’re a business owner, give it shot. There is a lot for the small business owner to learn from Jackie Moon. Take a look at this clip. Corndogs were a huge distraction for Jackie Moon, it


Do You Work In Your Business or On Your Business?

This week, put everything you do on a post it in one of these two categories: IN and ON. IN is all the things you’re doing that are working in your business (tasks, problem solving, managing personnel). ON is everything you’re doing on your business (strategy, ideation, vision). The reason you want to do this


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