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Our curated compilation of the latest in best business practices, consulting, and team building.

Feedback Is A Gift

In a recent coaching conversation, my client told me that his CEO operates under the idea that feedback is a gift. I had just been talking to him about the importance of him giving his feedback directly and candidly to his employees. That resonated with him, and he recalled this sentiment from his CEO. Feedback


Dangerously Implicit

You know the feeling when you explain a project, idea, or thought to a colleague and you think, that was awesome. I really feel like I got my point across, we’re definitely on the same page. A few days later they reply with their own thoughts or contributions, and it’s like you were speaking a


Whatever You’re Thinking, Think Bigger.

What you achieve in life is directly related to the bar you set. People set bars for themselves every day and either achieve them or come close. Rarely do we set a bar for ourselves and overachieve it. That’s because we can only accomplish what we can imagine. Imagine climbing a mountain . . .


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