Position in the marketplace

Be Honest About Your Position in the Marketplace

If you have a business, you need marketing. It doesn’t matter if you do all forms of marketing or rely solely on sales teams and excellent customer service to be your marketing. And, you MUST be honest in your marketing. I’m talking about being honest about where you are in the marketplace along with what you’re best at.

Take a look at our client, Paq-Source, a provider of packaging solutions for growing independent companies. They are old school. Really old school. No social media. No advertising of any sort. No PR. No banners at local sports teams. They just got a website in 2018. And, they do not have a catalog. In an industry flooded with competitors who live by their catalog, they don’t have one. And, most refreshingly, it’s on purpose so they don’t apologize for it. Paq-Source leads their messaging by telling people ‘No catalog, just solutions’. This honest approach sets the stage very clearly with the customer and helps you know just what you’ll get. You will talk to a live human when you call, you’ll get phone calls more than emails, you’ll have a proper solution quoted to your exact specifications. And, you’ll see your Paq-Source representative in person.

Take a look: https://www.paq-source.com/
